私の日本の経験: August 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Future Plans

Alright everyone, as you may know I have been back in the States for the last month or so, and therefore haven't had anything of Japanese interest to really report. For those of you who followed my quest and may have lingering questions, feel free to respond to this post with them and I'll get on it to respond.

In case you were wondering :

  • I am still listening to Japanese and Korean Music almost exclusively.
  • Taiko for the Wii did in fact work on my Wii after some "fixing", and it's very Japanese and very fun.
  • I do miss Japan, but the States aren't so bad.
  • McDonald's is not my lifelong dream job -_-;;
  • I miss having real ramen as American ramen that can be bought in stores is no substitute for the real thing. Think of it like this, you want a turkey sandwich but what you're given is a turkey lunchable.
Alright, so my plans. As some of you may have seen before, I threw together a 30 minute slideshow a couple years back about my school, life, and other things. Well, I was thinking on a more grand scale this time and what I'm thinking involves is a giant slideshow featuring hundreds of pictures with commentary, music, and free food. Alright, so maybe not free food, but the rest of it. But before you think like "Oh shit, this kid is going to make a slideshow that takes 4 hours to watch", fear not. My plans involve Chapters of sorts, complete with DVD menus and any options I can figure out. I have some software that should theoretically do this, but there are no promises.

So yeah, look forward to that, eh, I don't know when. Maybe by 2010? Depends how into it I get, as sifting through 7,000+ pictures can be a bit troubling, and putting it to music and commenting can be a tricky thing. The finished product, ideally, will be a DVD with Menus, ranging content from my arrival, to trips, to other relevant categories, all totalling maybe 2 or 3 hours. There is no obligation to watch it all at once, or all at all, but those are my plans. The finished product will of course be free, but you know... donations are happily accepted. =P When I get further along in the development process I'll update this blog again, so until then, enjoy the rest of August!
