私の日本の経験: 2 Weeks In
Monday, April 06, 2009

2 Weeks In

Hey everyone! So I'm 2 weeks into my program, and I started my first class. With the way this program is structured, we only have any given particular class [excluding Japanese Language] one time a week. The downfall of this is the length of the class, it's 2 hours and 40 minutes. I will admit though that not having class on Wednesday and being done in the AM on Friday is pretty nice. What's even better in my opinion is my next semester's schedule at UR, I have a Calligraphy course at 9:40 on Tuesday, other than that my classes start at 2:00 PM or later, and nothing on Fridays, haha. I didn't even plan it this way honestly, it just happened to work out that way and I'm definitely not complaining.

So like I said before, today was the start of classes, and also the Entrance Ceremony, basically a small presentation welcoming us to Kanda University. It was short, and nothing too special, but it was nice enough. After that I went to the nearby mall and got lunch at the food court. I went with a couple people but ended up splitting up and going to look for some notebooks. After that I ate lunch and then came across a Taiko No Tatsujin arcade game, it's a game where you drum on a drum to play. It's basically just a rythm game but with drumming. It's really fun and I have and play the handheld version [you just use buttons instead of drums / drumsticks] and I love the series. After I played there were Japanese boys that played that were ungodly good at the game. They played the hardest difficulty and basically toyed around with it and still beat the levels, it was crazy. This isn't me or them, but here's the general idea. I think I'm going to spend a few dollars a day at the game, haha, it's so fun and a ~dollar for 2 songs isn't bad at all for how fun it is.

After that I had to go to Meikai for my afternoon class. The class is about Key Strategies of Japanese Marketing. Basically we look at how and why marketing is so successful in Japan, and we take 3 field study trips, one of them being to AVEX, a major J-Pop producing studio / company. I love J-Pop, which stands for Japanese Pop, in fact it's my favorite genre along with J-HipHop, which is argueably the same genre, but that's beside the point. Anyway, the class looks pretty good, not too hard as there is only a few graded things, one being the final paper and others being short quizzes every couple weeks and a short field study summary on our 3 outings.

Tomorrow I find out what Japanese Language class I placed into and what kind of credit I'll get for it back at UR. Honestly... it doesn't really matter, but it'll still be fun seeing what the placement test decided. That's at 9:20, and I've honestly gotten quite used to getting up in time to make that 40 minute commute and not be late, which is fantastic.

Here's a link to my new album, but it doesn't have that much on it at all, today wasn't a big day for pictures:


Oh, last thing. So I've been here 2 weeks now, and the initial foundation and every day schedule has set in so I'm pretty familiar with what's going on. However, I'm sure some of you still have questions about how things are here. So, if you post in the comments what you want me to answer or explain, whether it be how one eats a certain food, takes a train, uses the restroom, whatever, just go and ask.

And with that, I'm out for the night. Going to bed soon, have to get up at 7:30ish.



GPA said...

Finally caught up with you guys and are making you go to classes: BUMMER Ha Ha
Your marketing class sounds interesting-Hope yu enjoy it. I'm sure you'll enjoy all of them though.
Take care Mr. D

jlarue6245@embarqmail.com said...

Hi, Damian, your class work sounds like it is workable, and possibly a pleasure for you.. Can't wait to find out where you placed in the language department.. Hopefully, you will enjoy that most of all and learn a lot.. the college looks large enough, is it anything like the size of UR? We don't know , we haven't been to either.. so it takes you 40 minutes to get to school.. Your schedule gives you plenty of time to study and enjoy your new home and it's surroundings.. Great.. this is just so wonderful and exciting for you.. the food looks good, we like chinese food, and some of it is similiar.. it is so great that you are willing to try the different foods.. good for you.. so, we take it your room and surrounding area is nice and quiet and comfy.. great... have you seen any alligators where the turtles live? we have alligators and turtles living together.. they seem to live and let live... Oh, we mailed you your Easter card a few days ago. once you get it let us know, okay... that way we know we can send you mail for sure... Gram & Pappa

Mommy at Home said...

So you are finally getting to the reason you are there-school! It doesn't sound too taxing and I hope you do well with all of them. I am sure you will love the marketing class-something you can relate to. Keep us posted on your progress and I do hope you placed high on the Japanese placement so you get some credits.

GPA said...

Mr. D
We were wondering exactly what the connection is between Kanda U and Meikai U. You mentioned that your intro was to Kanda, but your class was at Meikai????? Looked on the net and both are private colleges and are separate entities. Could you clear this up for us? And, do you take classes at both or just one?
Just a little confused (nothing unusual).
Oh by the way, did you find out about your Japanese placement exam?
See you