私の日本の経験: Okinawa Video Clips!
Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Okinawa Video Clips!

You should go here to check them out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUAV6zs_IBA


jlarue6245@verizon.net said...

Wow. Damian, that was a cool chef, at the japanese restaurant, have you tried to juggle the salt and pepper shakers? ha. quite talented. was the meat beef? it looked good. the aquarium was very interesting. the rays were spectalular.. to see the underside of their bellies was a treat.. the other fish were cool too. the ocean view from your room was so nice, hearing the water slap onto the land.. you sure did it up right. enjoying everything.. Gram and Papa

okinawa said...

Rock on, thanks for sharing.