私の日本の経験: Pikachu, I Choose You!
Sunday, June 07, 2009

Pikachu, I Choose You!

So as you may or may not know, I still very much like Pokemon. It's something I've grown up with the last 10 years, this being the 11th, and I never grew out of it. If anything, I grew into it, heh. Regardless, they have a store in Tokyo called the Pokemon Center, a name taken from the anime and the games. What it is in Tokyo is a store that sells Pokemon goods of all kinds, from stuffed animals to figurines to games to tableware to towels to food and everything in between.

So I went there and bought stuff. Even if you're not buying stuff people go to play DS outside and get special promotional things for their games from there. It's really a Pokemon Fan Haven.

What I appreciate the most here, and this goes for Japan to, is that Pokemon and video games are not just kid things here. In the US if you're older than 20 and still like Pokemon you're a loser or some other things I don't want to mention here. In Japan you're just a person who likes Pokemon. There were people from 10 to 40 playing DS outside, and the same inside. I'm sure some of the older people were buying things for kids but some of them were definitely not. I love that about Japan. It's probably the single best thing about Japan to me; anime, video games, and Pokemon are not just teen things here. I really wish America would adopt this instead of being inconsiderate assholes about it. I mean, I never let it bother me, I wear tie dyed dragon shirts and freely express my liking of video games, cute things, and colors, because that's what I like and that's who I am. Oh well, no point in trying to change anything, people are to into trying to fit in in America and certain fashions here, it's too bad.

Well, now it's time to get ready for bed, perhaps by watching some Supernatural to ensure the best dreams >_< *end Sarcasm* But really, sometimes the dreams are nothing short of fucked up from Science Fiction shows right before bed. Gotta keep it interesting. So my new album has a handful of things, from my 4:30 AM stroll to the temple, to Hamamatsucho and then some of the Pokemon Center. Sorry I couldn't get more, I wasn't sure if cameras were allowed but I wasn't going to get it confiscated. Album :

おやすみなさい~ / Good night ~


jlarue6245@verizon.net said...

Hi, Damian.. I would worry about going out during the night alone.. there is crime everywhere.. thank Goodness you are okay.. glad to see all the pokeman stuff.. that is some store, now will the stuff you buy there work in America..? just wondering. glad you had fun there.. the darkness of the photos were hard to see. the moon was so nice... it has been rainy and cool here as of late.. hope it soon changes.. Haley's birthday is this weekend.. take care.. enjoy.. Gram and Papa